Invisalign (also called clear braces or Invisalign aligners) is an orthodontic procedure that uses clear aligners to correct teeth without the metal brackets gradually and wires usually associated with conventional braces. However, it’s not for everybody and has limitations.
Continue reading to learn more about how Invisalign treatment works and if it’s right for you.
How Does Invisalign Work?
The treatment involves using a series of personalized aligners for at least 22 hours daily for two straight weeks. Afterward, you’ll move on to the next set you will wear for another two weeks, and the cycle continues until you complete your treatment. You can only remove them when brushing, eating, flossing, and cleaning them.
Each aligner is developed to move your teeth in small increments until they are in their intended positions. Depending on the complexity of your case, it can take anywhere from 9-18 months or longer or shorter to complete. While the frequency of visiting your dentist is fewer than conventional braces, they will still require you to see them every six weeks or so. This allows your dentist to track your progress and check for any problems so they can address them immediately before they become major.
If you have an aching tooth subject to extraction, extraction is not the only way to relieve you from the pain. Root canal treatment is a solution that enables you to save your tooth while also eliminating the pain associated with toothaches. You may check this page to learn more about the said procedure.
What Are the Limitations of Invisalign?
Clear braces aren’t suggested for the severe misalignment of teeth, crowded or crooked teeth, and bite issues. Invisalign may also not be the ideal option if you must close a large gap or rotate your teeth. Instead, conventional braces are typically considered more suitable in such cases.
Do you have an urgent dental situation that requires a professional’s attention? You may visit a nearby emergency dental clinic for immediate pain relief and treatment.
What Makes You Qualified for Invisalign?
- The following are the qualifications you need to meet to receive this treatment:
- Mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth
- No severe spacing issues or crowding
- Committed to good oral health
- At least 12 years old, or your adult teeth have completely grown
- No tooth grinding or willingness to use a nightguard throughout treatment
- No medical conditions like diabetes or cancer that can hinder the treatment
- You are willing to wear Invisalign at least 22 hours per day and visit your orthodontist every six weeks
- Not smoking or are willing to prevent or stop altogether
- Have realistic expectations
If you’re considering this procedure, consult the best dentist in Ventnor to see if you’re a good candidate. They can discuss the advantages and risks of Invisalign with you, including the cost and time associated with this treatment. Check this out to find out more about payment plans.
How to Care for Invisalign Aligners
Here are a few helpful pointers on how to maintain your Invisalign aligners:
- Clean your aligners daily with clear liquid soap and a soft brush.
- Wash the aligners in lukewarm water before reinserting them into your mouth. This will help eliminate bacteria and saliva that might build up over time.
- Store the aligners in their protective case when not in use to avoid losing or damaging them.
- Soak the aligners in denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaning crystals once weekly to keep them clean and free of buildup.
- Regularly visit your orthodontist for checkups to ensure your treatment is going according to plan.
Key Takeaways
Invisalign treatment is an excellent alternative to standard braces if you have mild to moderate misalignment of teeth and are dedicated to your oral hygiene routine. This is primarily helpful for adults who do not want to show braces and metals when they open their mouths. However, you should remember that it can’t resolve extreme orthodontic issues. Schedule an initial consultation with an experienced dentist so they can determine if it’s the proper treatment for you.